James Webb telescope temperatures data

Temperatures of James Webb telescope over time, scraped from official NASA page

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commit_date tempwarm1c tempwarm2c tempcool1c tempcool2c temp_inst_nir_cam_k temp_inst_nir_spec_k temp_inst_fgs_niriss_k temp_inst_miri_k temp_inst_fsm_k current_deploy_table_index
2022-07-26T03:35:53 50.2 12.7 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 47
2022-07-14T03:24:42 44.8 12.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 47
2022-07-13T03:17:24 44.8 12.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 46
2022-07-12T03:31:38 44.8 12.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 42
2022-07-02T03:16:59 44.8 12.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 40
2022-06-28T03:14:50 50.2 12.7 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.5 6.0 32.2 40
2022-06-17T03:06:18 49.1 13.8 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 40
2022-06-08T12:17:37 47.3 13.8 -230.8 -236.3 38.5 35.8 38.5 6.0 32.3 40
2022-06-08T12:15:21 47.3 13.8 -230.8 -236.3 38.5 35.8 38.5 6.0 32.3 40
2022-06-02T16:41:26 47.3 13.8 -230.8 -236.3 38.5 35.8 38.5 6.0 32.3 40
2022-05-19T17:00:43 31.8 13.0 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.5 6.0 32.2 40
2022-05-12T19:20:27 50.0 13.3 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.8 38.5 6.1 32.2 40
2022-05-09T17:35:25 52.3 13.3 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.1 32.2 40
2022-05-03T02:19:10 50.7 14.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.6 6.0 32.2 39
2022-04-23T15:25:52 50.7 14.1 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.6 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-22T14:23:29 50.9 13.8 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.6 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-20T15:29:47 51.3 13.4 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.6 38.5 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-19T19:24:28 51.1 13.8 -230.9 -236.3 38.5 35.7 38.4 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-18T14:22:43 51.2 14.0 -230.9 -236.4 38.5 35.7 38.4 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-16T15:25:04 50.6 14.2 -230.8 -236.3 38.5 35.5 38.4 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-15T17:26:49 51.2 14.1 -230.9 -236.4 38.5 35.4 38.3 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-14T16:37:21 53.3 13.8 -230.9 -236.4 38.5 35.4 38.3 6.0 32.2 38
2022-04-13T15:31:35 52.9 13.3 -230.8 -236.4 38.4 35.2 38.3 6.0 32.2 37
2022-04-12T14:27:28 53.2 14.1 -230.8 -236.4 38.4 35.0 38.2 6.0 32.2 37
2022-04-11T14:24:16 53.6 13.2 -230.7 -236.4 38.4 34.5 38.3 5.9 32.2 37

Number of rows in the full dataset: 132