Hong Kong property transactions memorial 24042500170077

buildingname AFTER THE RAIN
buildingname_zh 雨後
price 5298400
regdate 2024-04-25T00:00:00
insdate 2024-04-09T00:00:00
days_to_register 16
memorial 24042500170077
area_sqft_net 377
hkd_per_sqft_net 14054.0
xaxis FLAT B
yaxis 21/F
xaxis_zh B室
yaxis_zh 21樓
estatename After The Rain
estatename_zh 雨後
building_address 21 WANG YIP STREET WEST
building_address_zh 宏業西街21號
date_of_completion 2023-03-31T00:00:00
number_of_units 335
number_of_floors 20
latitude 22.450220108032227
longitude 114.02783966064453