Hong Kong Jockey Club races and horses data

All available race and horse statistics from the Hong Kong Jockey Club from the 1970s until today, updated in real time on raceday

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raceid racedate race_number horseid horsename horsename.zh horsenumber place finishtimeseconds lengthbehindwinnerraw lengthbehindwinner draw positions section1time section2time section3time section4time section5time section6time section1lbw section2lbw section3lbw section4lbw section5lbw section6lbw colour colour.zh sex sex.zh country country.zh age dam sire damsire importtype importtype.zh owner owner.zh jockey trainer actualweight declaredweight winodds going gear rating distance raceclass racetrack tracktype course horseurl horseurl.zh raceurl
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H113 OUTGATE 亞機拉 6 4 99.8 3/4 0.75 2 7 7 7 4 28.34 23.35 24.36 23.75 5 6 4.5 0.75 Grey Gelding GB 英國 5 Penny Drops Outstrip Invincible Spirit PP 自購馬 Martin Siu Kim Sun 蕭劍新 Y L Chung A S Cruz 123 1041 7 G H/TT 91 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h113&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H113&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2021_G326 YELLOWFIN 黃腳鱲 7 11 101.02 8-1/2 8.5 6 1 1 2 11 27.54 23.19 24.6 25.69 0.3 0.75 0.1 8.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Clearly Foxy Territories Volponi PPG 自購新馬 Raymond Ng Wing Chiu, Choi Chi Wan & Soong Tze Man 伍永超、蔡智云與宋子文 L Hewitson K W Lui 122 1212 5.2 G XB 87 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g326&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G326&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H474 MOMENTS IN TIME 智取神駒 1 6 100.18 3-1/4 3.25 10 2 2 1 6 27.58 23.27 24.48 24.85 0.3 0.75 0.1 3.25 Chestnut Gelding CHI 智利 5 Magia Para Todos Lookin At Lucky Rock Of Gibraltar PP 自購馬 Tony Yue Kwok Leung 余國樑 H Bowman C S Shum 135 1094 10 G TT 100 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h474&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H474&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2019_D482 TELECOM FIGHTERS 電訊巴打 3 9 100.5 5-1/4 5.25 5 4 4 4 9 27.94 23.39 24.4 24.77 2.5 3.75 2.5 5.25 Bay / Brown 棗/棕 Gelding AUS 澳洲 8 Moorings Capital The Brothers War Song Of Tara PP 自購馬 Telecom Brothers Syndicate 電訊兄弟團體 E C W Wong Y S Tsui 122 1117 34 G -- 94 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2019_d482&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2019_D482&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H192 FLAMINGO TRILLION 港林福將 12 2 99.7 N 0.3 9 3 3 3 2 27.7 23.47 24.36 24.17 1 2.75 1.25 0.3 Chestnut Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Double Dee Wandjina Dubleo PPG 自購新馬 Rudolf Tam Kai Chung 譚啓聰 K C Leung F C Lor 118 1215 27 G -- 81 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h192&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H192&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2021_G227 MR ASCENDENCY 一先生 5 7 100.29 4 4 7 8 9 8 7 28.66 23.23 24.36 24.04 7 7.25 5.75 4 Chestnut Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 6 Dietrich The Gurkha Storm Cat PP 自購馬 Allen Shi Lop Tak 史立德 H Bentley P F Yiu 128 1137 54 G TT 93 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g227&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G227&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2021_G115 WOODFIRE BRO 木火兄弟 9 1 99.66 N 0.3 8 5 5 5 1 28.02 23.39 24.36 23.89 3 4.25 2.75 0.3 Brown Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 6 Pico Turquino Echoes Of Heaven Teofilo PPG 自購新馬 Kelvin Cheung Hoi Kay 張凱琦 M L Yeung C W Chang 119 1188 9.7 G TT 84 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g115&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G115&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2018_C461 NATURAL STORM 自然力量 10 12 102.06 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 29.66 23.19 25.0 24.21 13.25 13.25 15.75 15 Bay Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 8 Miracle Miss Pins O'Reilly PPG 自購新馬 Lyon Cheng Lai Fung 鄭麗鳳 A Hamelin P F Yiu 118 1141 83 G B 82 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2018_c461&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2018_C461&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H188 RED HARE KING 赤兔猴王 11 3 99.73 1/2 0.5 1 6 6 6 3 28.3 23.35 24.32 23.76 4.75 5.75 4 0.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Fragrance So You Think Commands PPG 自購新馬 Jonathan Cheung Yu Shing 張宇成 M Chadwick A S Cruz 117 1061 7.3 G TT 82 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h188&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H188&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H257 FLAMING RABBIT 九五赤兔 4 10 100.88 7-3/4 7.75 3 9 8 9 10 28.7 23.19 24.36 24.63 7.25 7.25 5.75 7.75 Bay Horse GB 英國 5 Ronja Time Test El Corredor PP 自購馬 Antonio Chan Hang Tat & Eva Chan Jiao Ting 陳亨達與陳焦婷 L Ferraris D J Whyte 128 1137 48 G SR-/B1/TT 93 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h257&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H257&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H109 CHILL CHIBI 超超比 8 5 99.85 1-1/4 1.25 4 10 11 11 5 28.98 23.11 24.4 23.36 9 8.5 7.25 1.25 Bay Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 5 My Amazing Cool Wrote Danroad PPG 自購新馬 Dr Alex Lam Sai Keung & Chan Pui Fan 林世强博士與陳佩芬 C L Chau C S Shum 120 1138 3.1 G B1/TT 86 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h109&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H109&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-036 2024-09-18 8 HK_2022_H215 HELENE FEELING 喜蓮勇感 2 8 100.47 5 5 11 11 10 10 8 29.1 22.95 24.4 24.02 9.75 8.25 7 5 Bay Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 4 Cynthia Calhoun Sioux Nation Exceed And Excel PP 自購馬 Helene Syndicate 喜蓮團體 Z Purton C S Shum 129 1239 9.6 G CP-/B2/TT 94 1650 2 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h215&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H215&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2022_H203 HEALTHY HEALTHY 添開心 8 2 70.04 3/4 0.75 9 5 3 2 24.06 22.5 23.48 2.5 1 0.75 Bay Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 5 Spritz Per Incanto Thorn Park PPG 自購新馬 Lo Kui Lun, Lo Hoe, Stanley Lo Shek Yin & Sharon Lo Ching Wun 盧巨倫、盧浩、盧錫賢與盧靜媛 Z Purton P C Ng 123 1177 3 G PC/TT 64 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h203&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H203&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2020_E234 PARTERRE 拍馬難追 5 8 70.85 5-3/4 5.75 3 1 2 8 23.66 22.9 24.29 0.1 1 5.75 Bay Gelding SAF 南非 8 Square Dance Flower Alley Oasis Dream PP 自購馬 Jeanne Ng Mien Yi 黃敏儀 L Hewitson W Y So 125 1124 15 G B 66 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e234&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2020_E234&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2022_H216 KAHOLO ANGEL 鈦易搵 1 5 70.27 2-1/4 2.25 4 8 7 5 24.22 22.82 23.23 3.5 4 2.25 Grey Gelding GB 英國 4 Starboard Watch Havana Grey Harbour Watch PPG 自購新馬 Ho Garrick Sai Man & Tam Wing Yee 何世文與譚穎儀 H Bowman C Fownes 135 1118 2.9 G TT 76 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h216&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H216&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2023_J330 MOJAVE DESERT 智跑得 9 6 70.45 3-1/4 3.25 10 10 10 6 24.46 22.9 23.09 5 6 3.25 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Fine Bubbles I Am Invincible Casino Prince PP 自購馬 James Lau Po Man & Alice Woo Wai See 劉寶文與吳慧思 L Ferraris D A Hayes 122 1138 28 G CP-/B1 63 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j330&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j330&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2023_J133 MUST GO 德心知遇 3 10 71.55 10-1/4 10.25 2 6 6 10 24.14 22.9 24.51 3 4 10.25 Bay / Brown 棗/棕 Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Madame Moustache All Too Hard Hinchinbrook PP 自購馬 Lee Lit Lung & Vicky Tang 李烈龍與鄧詠琪 B Avdulla J Size 126 1149 14 G E/PC/TT 67 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j133&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2023_J133&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2021_G268 BRAVE STAR 勇敢巨星 6 1 69.91 3/4 0.75 6 3 4 1 23.86 22.78 23.27 1.25 1.5 0.75 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Isador Amore Myboycharlie Hidden Dragon PPG 自購新馬 Mr & Mrs Matthew Lam Kin Hong 林建康先生及夫人 C Y Ho K W Lui 124 1105 5.6 G XB 65 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g268&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G268&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2020_E301 POWER KOEPP 電源之駒 2 9 70.99 6-3/4 6.75 1 4 5 9 23.98 22.9 24.11 2 3 6.75 Bay Gelding GB 英國 6 Terse Equiano Dansili PP 自購馬 Mr & Mrs Simon Ng Kar Ming 吳家萌先生及夫人 K C Leung K L Man 130 1098 20 G E 71 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e301&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2020_E301&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2021_G033 EXCELLENT PEERS 越駿知己 10 7 70.62 4-1/2 4.5 8 7 8 7 24.22 22.9 23.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 Bay Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 7 Lunar Eclipse Jimmy Choux Darci Brahma PPG 自購新馬 Chan Tung, Kwan Wah, Lo Wing Man & Jacqueline Wong Tik Yan 陳東、關華、盧永文與黃廸欣 M Chadwick F C Lor 120 1106 58 G H/XB 61 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g033&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G033&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2023_J402 SOVEREIGN FUND 金牌活力 4 4 70.2 1-3/4 1.75 7 2 1 4 23.66 22.74 23.8 0.1 1 1.75 Chestnut Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Mossbeat Capitalist Mossman PP 自購馬 Glenn Chan Wai Cheung & Raymond Chan Ka Shun 陳偉彰 K De Melo C W Chang 126 1146 48 G B-/V1/TT- 67 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j402&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j402&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-035 2024-09-18 7 HK_2023_J401 YOUNG ARROW 競駿非凡 7 3 70.13 1-1/4 1.25 5 9 9 3 24.34 22.9 22.89 4.25 5.25 1.25 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Hediard Showtime Bernardini PP 自購馬 HKJC Racing Club Limited 競駿會有限公司 K Teetan D J Whyte 124 1113 9.9 G XB 65 1200 3 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j401&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j401&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-034 2024-09-18 6 HK_2021_G420 WINNING STEPS 逐步贏 3 6 110.88 2-1/2 2.5 2 6 7 7 6 6 14.11 23.23 24.87 24.43 24.24 1.25 5.25 4.75 3.25 2.5 Bay / Grey 棗/灰 Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Crystal Fairy Pierro Perugino PPG 自購新馬 Roy Lee Ming Fai 李明輝 K Teetan P C Ng 131 1151 5 G H/PC 54 1800 4 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g420&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G420&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-034 2024-09-18 6 HK_2021_G470 NICE BIRDIE 樂捉鳥 12 9 111.09 3-3/4 3.75 11 4 5 6 5 9 13.99 23.11 24.91 24.63 24.45 0.5 3.75 3.5 3.25 3.75 Bay Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 5 Pearl Of The Night Kodiac Sea The Stars ISG 國際拍賣會新馬 Real McCoy Syndicate 真材實料團體 M L Yeung C S Shum 118 1210 56 G TT 41 1800 4 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g470&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G470&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...
2024-09-18-034 2024-09-18 6 HK_2023_J242 AFFORDABLE 亞福得寶 4 12 111.33 5-1/2 5.5 9 12 11 10 11 12 14.75 23.19 24.71 24.43 24.25 5.25 9 7.5 6 5.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Preventable Hardham Anabaa PP 自購馬 Dr Gene Tsoi Wai Wang 蔡惠宏醫生 K C Leung D A Hayes 128 1230 80 G B/TT 51 1800 4 HV Turf B https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j242&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j242&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=18/0...

Number of rows in the full dataset: 353,320