Hong Kong Jockey Club races and horses data

All available race and horse statistics from the Hong Kong Jockey Club from the 1970s until today, updated in real time on raceday

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raceid racedate race_number horseid horsename horsename.zh horsenumber place finishtimeseconds lengthbehindwinnerraw lengthbehindwinner draw positions section1time section2time section3time section4time section5time section6time section1lbw section2lbw section3lbw section4lbw section5lbw section6lbw colour colour.zh sex sex.zh country country.zh age dam sire damsire importtype importtype.zh owner owner.zh jockey trainer actualweight declaredweight winodds going gear rating distance raceclass racetrack tracktype course horseurl horseurl.zh raceurl
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2022_H175 CHIU CHOW SPIRIT 潮州精神 6 3 81.41 3/4 0.75 6 14 12 11 3 14.23 21.91 22.87 22.4 5.75 7.25 3.25 0.75 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Pearl Star Zoustar Star Witness PP 自購馬 Charlie Lam Leung Seng & Michael Lam Yau Keng 林良成與林有勤 K C Leung K L Man 124 1199 20 G B/TT 92 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h175&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H175&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2019_D482 TELECOM FIGHTERS 電訊巴打 7 12 83.27 12-1/2 12.5 13 2 3 6 12 13.39 21.91 23.43 24.54 0.5 2 1.5 12.5 Bay / Brown 棗/棕 Gelding AUS 澳洲 8 Moorings Capital The Brothers War Song Of Tara PP 自購馬 Telecom Brothers Syndicate 電訊兄弟團體 K De Melo Y S Tsui 120 1128 181 G -- 88 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2019_d482&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2019_D482&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2021_G306 KEEFY 瑪瑙 14 10 82.6 8-1/4 8.25 12 8 7 4 10 13.79 21.91 23.03 23.87 3 4.5 1.5 8.25 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Urban Rocker All Too Hard Fastnet Rock PP 自購馬 Chong Min Onn Chong Min Onn M Chadwick F C Lor 115 1155 116 G -- 82 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g306&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G306&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2023_J277 PACKING HERMOD 包裝天將 10 1 81.29 N 0.3 10 7 8 8 1 13.71 22.03 23.11 22.44 2.5 4.75 2.25 0.3 Bay / Brown 棗/棕 Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Black Tulip Rubick Lonhro PPG 自購新馬 Roletta Lee Man Ching 李文禎 J Moreira K W Lui 118 1112 1.8 G -- 86 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j277&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j277&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2021_G161 PACKING TREADMILL 包裝必勝 5 7 82.05 4-3/4 4.75 3 6 6 5 7 13.67 21.91 23.15 23.32 2.25 3.75 1.5 4.75 Chestnut Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 I'm An Outoftowner Manhattan Rain Dane Shadow PPG 自購新馬 Exciting Racing Syndicate 開心開心團體 L Ferraris K W Lui 126 1172 53 G CP 94 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g161&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G161&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2024_K190 ALLCASH 凱明神駒 13 14 85.14 24 24 4 9 11 14 14 13.87 22.23 23.63 25.41 3.5 7 7.75 24 Grey Colt BRZ 巴西 4 Desequilibrada Kentuckian Redattore PP 自購馬 Harmony Racing Syndicate 和諧賽馬團體 A Pouchin C S Shum 117 1037 26 G TT1 82 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k190&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k190&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2021_G045 FLYING ACE 威力奔騰 6 -- -- -- 23.54 22.39 22.86 1 1.75 4 Chestnut Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 7 Dancescape Swiss Ace Danehill Dancer PPG 自購新馬 William Tsang 曾炳威 M F Poon D J Hall 132 -- -- G -- 102 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g045&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G045&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2020_E379 THE GOLDEN SCENERY 中華盛景 1 9 82.23 6 6 1 11 9 9 9 13.95 21.91 23.11 23.26 4 5.5 3 6 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 7 Saga's Gift Deep Field Real Saga PP 自購馬 Xiao Tan Ping 肖潭平 B Avdulla A S Cruz 135 1091 38 G TT 103 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e379&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2020_E379&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2023_J195 YOUNG CHAMPION 競駿輝煌 9 5 81.55 1-3/4 1.75 7 12 14 10 5 14.11 22.19 22.71 22.54 5 8.25 3.25 1.75 Chestnut Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 4 Sharliyna Zoustar Pivotal PP 自購馬 HKJC Racing Club Limited 競駿會有限公司 K Teetan J Size 119 1123 5.4 G E1 87 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j195&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j195&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2021_G265 SON PAK FU 小霸王 3 11 82.97 10-1/2 10.5 9 4 2 2 11 13.59 21.55 23.47 24.36 1.75 1 0.75 10.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Lady Zhao Jun Fighting Sun Fastnet Rock PPG 自購新馬 Gin Syndicate 銀團體 Y L Chung A S Cruz 126 1202 55 G B/TT 97 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g265&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G265&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2022_H257 FLAMING RABBIT 九五赤兔 8 8 82.18 5-1/2 5.5 8 3 4 3 8 13.55 21.83 23.27 23.53 1.5 2.5 1 5.5 Bay Horse GB 英國 5 Ronja Time Test El Corredor PP 自購馬 Antonio Chan Hang Tat & Eva Chan Jiao Ting 陳亨達與陳焦婷 M Barzalona D J Whyte 120 1132 58 G B2/SR2 87 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h257&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H257&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2022_H117 DROMBEG BANNER 飛鷹翱翔 4 4 81.42 3/4 0.75 14 1 1 1 4 13.31 21.67 23.51 22.93 0.5 1 0.75 0.75 Bay Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 5 Drombeg Dawn Starspangledbanner Orpen PP 自購馬 Clement Ma Kang Ching, Josiah Ma Pok Man & David Ma Yeuk Lai 馬鏡澄、馬博文與馬約禮 A Atzeni P C Ng 128 1116 9.6 G -- 96 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h117&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H117&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2023_J141 SING DRAGON 昇瀧駒 11 6 82.04 4-3/4 4.75 2 5 5 7 6 13.67 21.87 23.27 23.23 2.25 3.5 2 4.75 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Secret Doubt Written Tycoon Not A Single Doubt PP 自購馬 The Rotary Club of Gd-HK-MA-GBA Syndicate 粵港澳大灣區扶輪社團體 A Badel M Newnham 118 1190 12 G -- 86 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j141&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j141&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2024_K078 HARMONY GREAT 勇取神駒 2 13 83.55 14-1/4 14.25 5 10 10 13 13 13.91 22.11 23.07 24.46 3.75 6.5 3.75 14.25 Bay Gelding BRZ 巴西 4 Romany Queen Put It Back Ghadeer PP 自購馬 Yue Yun Hing 余潤興 M L Yeung C S Shum 115 1048 199 G TT 81 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k078&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k078&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-249 2024-12-08 10 HK_2022_H412 RUBYLOT 球星 12 2 81.32 N 0.3 11 13 13 12 2 14.15 22.07 22.83 22.27 5.25 7.75 3.5 0.3 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Emirates Comfort Rubick Dubawi PPG 自購新馬 HK Football Club Horse Racing Syndicate 香港足球會團體 L Hewitson D A Hayes 116 1112 8.2 G CP2 83 1400 2 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h412&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H412&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2023_J512 LUCKY COMBINATION 幸運夥伴 11 14 82.88 8-1/2 8.5 14 4 4 7 14 13.93 21.87 23.29 23.79 1.5 2 3 8.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Two Sugars Ilovethiscity Dash For Cash PP 自購馬 Lucky Associates Syndicate 幸運拍檔團體 M Chadwick F C Lor 120 1191 165 G B 64 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j512&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j512&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2021_G237 TAMRA BLITZ 宜春火力 4 5 81.93 2-1/2 2.5 13 10 12 13 5 14.21 22.43 22.81 22.48 3.25 7.25 5.25 2.5 Bay Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 5 Ajaadat Fascinating Rock Shamardal PP 自購馬 Amazing Blitz Syndicate 電光之友團體 L Hewitson D J Whyte 131 1126 132 G H/SR 75 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g237&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G237&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2023_J420 MARKWIN 但求開心 13 1 81.52 1-1/4 1.25 12 8 10 11 1 14.05 22.35 22.85 22.27 2.25 5.75 4 1.25 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Mark Two I Am Invincible Pins ISG 國際拍賣會新馬 Happy Life Syndicate 快活人生團體 K C Leung W K Mo 119 1207 2.8 G TT 63 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j420&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j420&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2020_E471 LESLIE 風繼續吹 9 12 82.63 7 7 2 11 9 10 12 14.21 22.15 22.81 23.46 3.25 5.5 3.5 7 Chestnut Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 We Can Dance Shooting To Win Shinzig PPG 自購新馬 Apple of My Eyes Syndicate 那些年團體 M Barzalona C W Chang 121 1182 24 G B 65 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e471&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2020_E471&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2022_H334 BEAUTY CRESCENT 同樣美麗 5 3 81.82 2 2 5 9 8 6 3 14.13 22.07 22.81 22.81 2.75 4.5 2.5 2 Bay Gelding IRE 愛爾蘭 4 Up In Time Acclamation Noverre PP 自購馬 Beauty Family Syndicate 美麗一族團體 B Avdulla A S Cruz 130 1065 16 G TT 74 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h334&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H334&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2021_G110 GALAXY WITNESS 喜旺駒 7 8 82.25 4-1/2 4.5 11 14 13 12 8 14.53 22.15 22.73 22.84 5.25 7.5 5 4.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 6 Black Tulip Star Witness Lonhro PPG 自購新馬 Winnie Law Wing Yin 羅詠賢 J Moreira C Fownes 128 1211 28 G V-/TT 72 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2021_g110&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2021_G110&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2022_H433 MAGNIFICENT NINE 鐵金剛 12 7 82.04 3-1/4 3.25 3 6 5 3 7 13.93 21.95 22.97 23.19 1.5 2.5 1.5 3.25 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Lipstick Lover Toronado I Am Invincible PP 自購馬 22/23 John Size Trainer Syndicate 22/23 蔡約翰練馬師賽馬團體 A Atzeni J Size 119 1121 7.5 G B/E 63 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h433&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h433&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2023_J530 BRIGHT DAY 朗日自強 2 10 82.4 5-1/2 5.5 6 1 1 1 10 13.69 21.79 23.13 23.79 0.5 1 0.5 5.5 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 5 Don't Tell Clang Starcraft Clang PP 自購馬 23/24 Man Ka Leung Trainer Syndicate 23/24 文家良練馬師賽馬團體 H Bowman K L Man 132 1293 98 G B1 76 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j530&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j530&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2022_H044 SWEET BRIAR 瑰麗人生 8 11 82.44 5-3/4 5.75 7 3 3 4 11 13.77 21.99 23.13 23.55 0.5 1.75 1.75 5.75 Bay Gelding NZ 紐西蘭 6 Allawara Shamexpress Von Costa de Hero PPG 自購新馬 Sammy To Ping Kwan & Cheng Shenn 杜炳坤與陳慎 C Y Ho K W Lui 122 1089 37 G V/TT 66 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h044&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/Horse/Horse.aspx?HorseId=HK_2022_H044&Option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...
2024-12-08-248 2024-12-08 9 HK_2023_J275 LUCY IN THE SKY 鑽石星空 1 6 81.97 2-3/4 2.75 8 5 6 8 6 13.93 22.15 23.01 22.88 1.5 3.75 3 2.75 Bay Gelding AUS 澳洲 4 Spiced No Nay Never Exceed And Excel PPG 自購新馬 Athy Ngai Sze Yin 魏詩然 K Teetan Y S Tsui 135 1200 11 G H 79 1400 3 ST Turf A https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j275&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/Chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j275&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=08/1...

Number of rows in the full dataset: 355,932