HKEX disclosures of interests data

Cleaned copies of the Disclosures of Interests by directors and substantial shareholders of Hong Kong-listed companies

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shareholder_name stock_code canonicalcorporation url formserialnumber form3 event_type formtype assetclass number_issued registeredoffice principalplace listedexchange parentdetails dateevent dateaware dateformfiled position1_eventcode position1_codebefore position1_codeafter position1_numberofshares position1_currency position1_highestprice position1_averageprice position1_averageconsideration position1_consideration_code position2_eventcode position2_codebefore position2_codeafter position2_numberofshares supplementaryinfo previousserialnumber nextform numberofattachments long_number_before long_number_after long_number_change short_number_before short_number_after short_number_change lending_number_before lending_number_after lending_number_change long_percent_before long_percent_after long_percent_change short_percent_before short_percent_after short_percent_change lending_percent_before lending_percent_after lending_percent_change net_number_before net_percent_before net_number_after net_percent_after net_percent_change long_percent_before_actual long_percent_after_actual short_percent_before_actual short_percent_after_actual lending_percent_before_actual lending_percent_after_actual net_percent_before_actual net_percent_after_actual net_percent_change_actual
Lam, Kwan, 林群 03683 Great Harvest Maeta Holdings Ltd. DA20241220E00340 20241220E00340 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation 普通股 952613513 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 1201 2201 10,000 HKD 0.1260 0.1260 1031168064 1031158064 -10000 108.25 108.25 1031168064 108.25 1031158064 108.25 108.24621422308125 108.24516447941674 108.24621422308125 108.24516447941674 -0.0010497436645096059
杭州归桥企业管理合伙企业(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00339 20241220E00339 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice Domestic Shares 7781257 浙江省杭州市余杭区仓前街道数云路270号2幢6层603室(自主申报) 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)杭... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
Huang, Jieli, 黄洁莉 09936 Ximei Resources Holding Ltd. DA20241220E00338 20241220E00338 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 360000000 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 1316 2101 2101 130,000 For Box 24, Ms. Huang Jieli vested 50% (ie. 130,000) share awards on December 20, 2024 under the... 260000 260000 0.07 0.07 260000 0.07 260000 0.07 0.07222222222222222 0.07222222222222222 0.07222222222222222 0.07222222222222222
Huang, Jieli, 黄洁莉 09936 Ximei Resources Holding Ltd. DA20241220E00337 20241220E00337 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 360000000 2024-11-18 2024-12-20 11031 2101 2101 260,000 On November 18, 2024, 260,000 award shares were granted to Ms. Huang Jieli, under theShare Award... 260000 260000 0.07 0.07 260000 0.07 0.07 0.07222222222222222 0.07222222222222222 0.07222222222222222
珠海通桥投资中心(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00336 20241220E00336 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice Domestic Shares 7781257 珠海市横琴新区环岛东路1889号21栋411室15卡位 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)珠... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
珠海归创股权投资中心(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00335 20241220E00335 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice Domestic Shares 7781257 珠海市横琴新区环岛东路1889号21栋411室16卡位 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)珠... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
杭州涪江投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00334 20241220E00334 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice Domestic Shares 7781257 浙江省杭州市余杭区仓前街道数云路270号B座6层603室 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)杭... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
Wei, Na, 卫娜 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B IS20241220E00333 20241220E00333 IS FORM 1 - Individual Substantial Shareholder Notice Domestic Shares 7781257 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2401 1,292,431 表格14及17:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)卫... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
Zhao, Jonathon Zhong, 赵中 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B DA20241220E00332 20241220E00332 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Domestic Shares 7781257 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2501 1,053,004 表格24及27:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)赵... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
Li, Zheng, 李峥 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B DA20241220E00331 20241220E00331 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Domestic Shares 7781257 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2501 239,427 表格24及27:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,赵中和李峥分别有权收取的内资股1,053,004股、239,427股失效。(2)李... 1 9073688 7781257 -1292431 116.61 100.0 -16.61 9073688 116.61 7781257 100.0 -16.61 116.60954007816476 100.0 116.60954007816476 100.0 -16.609540078164756
Xie, Yang, 谢阳 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B DA20241220E00328 20241220E00328 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Domestic Shares 7781257 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1213 2501 167,599 表格24及27:(1)兹提述公司于2024年12月19日的公告,首次公开发售前购股权计划被终止,根据购股权计划,谢阳有权收取的内资股167,599股失效。(2)... 1751091 1583492 -167599 22.5 20.35 -2.15 1751091 22.5 1583492 20.35 -2.15 22.50396047836487 20.350079685068877 22.50396047836487 20.350079685068877 -2.1538807932959934
Ng, Chee Siong, 黃志祥 00083 Sino Land Co. Ltd. DA20241220E00324 20241220E00324 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 9014739190 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1101 2304 32,000 HKD 7.5900 7.5500 5429387839 5429419839 32000 60.22 60.22 5429387839 60.22 5429419839 60.22 60.22789705355857 60.22825202777719 60.22789705355857 60.22825202777719 0.0003549742186166327
Jiang, Jiancheng, 江建成 00039 China Beidahuang Industry Group Holdings Ltd. DA20241220E00322 20241220E00322 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 6332312083 2024-12-04 2024-12-20 1213 2101 2101 27,868,000 因上市法團於2024年12月4日完成發行850,000,000股認購股份及377,79,93股計劃股份,合共發行了1,227,879,793股股份,致使本人的股份權益百分率有所下降。詳情請參閱上... 27868000 27868000 0.44 0.37 -0.07 27868000 0.44 27868000 0.37 -0.07 0.4400920174925624 0.4400920174925624 0.4400920174925624 0.4400920174925624
湖州语意慧企业管理合伙企业(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00318 20241220E00318 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 322400744 浙江省湖州市安吉县灵峰街道灵岩路236号1幢111室-7(自主申报) 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1113 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:2024年12月19日公司股东大会审议通过股份奖励计划,并于当日向赵中授予1,053,004股H股、李峥授予239,427股H股。(注:此披露包括有关一致行动人的股份权益:根据由... 1 82860231 84152662 1292431 25.7 26.1 0.4 82860231 25.7 84152662 26.1 0.4 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 0.40087717663579525
Fontaine, Alain Vincent 01986 Tsaker New Energy Tech Co., Ltd. DA20241220E00316 20241220E00316 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 985401000 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1102 2101 186,776 HKD 0.0000 186776 186776 0.02 0.02 186776 0.02 0.02 0.018954314030531733 0.018954314030531733 0.018954314030531733
杭州归桥企业管理合伙企业(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00314 20241220E00314 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 322400744 浙江省杭州市余杭区仓前街道数云路270号2幢6层603室(自主申报) 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1113 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:2024年12月19日公司股东大会审议通过股份奖励计划,并于当日向赵中授予1,053,004股H股、李峥授予239,427股H股。(注:此披露包括有关一致行动人的股份权益:根据由... 1 82860231 84152662 1292431 25.7 26.1 0.4 82860231 25.7 84152662 26.1 0.4 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 0.40087717663579525
Huang, Shaobo, 黄少波 06805 Kimou Environmental Holding Ltd. DA20241220E00313 20241220E00313 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Ordinary Shares 1107750000 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 1101 2201 176,000 HKD 1.2300 1.2300 27986000 28162000 176000 2.53 2.54 0.01 27986000 2.53 28162000 2.54 0.01 2.5263823064770934 2.542270367862785 2.5263823064770934 2.542270367862785 0.015888061385691543
珠海通桥投资中心(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00312 20241220E00312 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 322400744 珠海市横琴新区环岛东路1889号21栋411室15卡位 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1113 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:2024年12月19日公司股东大会审议通过股份奖励计划,并于当日向赵中授予1,053,004股H股、李峥授予239,427股H股。(注:此披露包括有关一致行动人的股份权益:根据由... 1 82860231 84152662 1292431 25.7 26.1 0.4 82860231 25.7 84152662 26.1 0.4 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 0.40087717663579525
Mu, Rongjun, 穆榮均 03690 Meituan DA20241220E00311 20241220E00311 DA FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation Others 5466609783 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 1113 2307 3,765,146 Class of shares concerned is Class B ordinary shares. On December 20, 2024, a total of... 56312134 60077280 3765146 1.02 1.1 0.08 56312134 1.02 60077280 1.1 0.08 1.0301107310625832 1.0989860696994989 1.0301107310625832 1.0989860696994989 0.06887533863691564
珠海归创股权投资中心(有限合伙) 02190 Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - B CS20241220E00310 20241220E00310 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 322400744 珠海市横琴新区环岛东路1889号21栋411室16卡位 2024-12-19 2024-12-20 1113 2401 1,292,431 表格17、20:2024年12月19日公司股东大会审议通过股份奖励计划,并于当日向赵中授予1,053,004股H股、李峥授予239,427股H股。(注:此披露包括有关一致行动人的股份权益:根据由... 1 82860231 84152662 1292431 25.7 26.1 0.4 82860231 25.7 84152662 26.1 0.4 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 25.70100489594404 26.101882072579834 0.40087717663579525
BlackRock, Inc. 00005 HSBC Holdings plc CS20241220E00309 20241220E00309 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice Ordinary Shares 17970023724 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 N/A New York Stock Exchange N/A 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1313 2201 2201 982,931 HKD 1617911133 1617911133 4176469 4176469 9.0 9.0 0.02 0.02 1613734664 8.98 1613734664 8.98 9.003388965141914 9.003388965141914 0.02324131044090991 0.02324131044090991 8.980147654701003 8.980147654701003
BlackRock, Inc. 01138 COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. CS20241220E00308 20241220E00308 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 1296000000 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 N/A New York Stock Exchange N/A 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1314 2201 2201 134,000 HKD 76006640 76006640 22852000 22852000 5.86 5.86 1.76 1.76 53154640 4.1 53154640 4.1 5.86470987654321 5.86470987654321 1.7632716049382715 1.7632716049382715 4.1014382716049385 4.1014382716049385
BlackRock, Inc. 01988 China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. CS20241220E00307 20241220E00307 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 8320295289 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 N/A New York Stock Exchange N/A 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1313 2201 2201 1,230,000 HKD 424447431 424447431 29385000 29385000 5.1 5.1 0.35 0.35 395062431 4.75 395062431 4.75 5.101350568184143 5.101350568184143 0.3531725615417638 0.3531725615417638 4.748178006642379 4.748178006642379
BlackRock, Inc. 09868 XPeng Inc. CS20241220E00306 20241220E00306 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice A Shares 1550480612 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 N/A New York Stock Exchange N/A 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1205 2201 2201 2,941,028 HKD 3102 79438089 76497061 27890 27890 5.12 4.93 79410199 5.12 76469171 4.93 -0.19 5.123449360487714 4.933764434585526 0.0017987970816367744 0.0017987970816367744 5.121650563406077 4.931965637503889 -0.18968492590218844
BlackRock, Inc. 02359 WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd. CS20241220E00305 20241220E00305 CS FORM 2 - Corporate Substantial Shareholder Notice H Shares 387076150 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 N/A New York Stock Exchange N/A 2024-12-17 2024-12-20 1205 2201 2201 1,601,104 HKD 3102 19886156 18285052 1956364 2102464 146100 5.14 4.72 0.51 0.54 0.03 17929792 4.63 16182588 4.18 -0.45 5.137530690020555 4.7238901182622595 0.5054209617409907 0.5431654727370828 4.6321097282795645 4.180724645525176 -0.4513850827543884

Number of rows in the full dataset: 980,036