Hong Kong companies registry data

Up-to-date information about Hong Kong's registered companies, directly from its Companies Registry

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Companies Registry company number brno name_english name_chinese active_status company_type Incorporation date Dissolution date dissolution_mode Public or private company limited_by address_country incorporation_country dormant dormant_since dormant_until listed register_of_charges Important note Last update
3432387 76864628 SKYRIVER BUSINESS CORPORATION SERVICES LIMITED 天河商業服務有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-26 private limited 2024-07-27T05:31:03
3432385 76864602 JHY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 景鴻悅國際有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-26 private limited 2024-07-27T05:31:00
3432386 76864610 PROMISE LAND GLOBAL BUSINESS LIMITED Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-26 private limited 2024-07-27T05:30:59
3432384 76864597 FUnicorn Trading Co., Limited Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-26 private limited 2024-07-27T03:30:34
3432383 76864589 Hong Kong HengRui Lingfeng Co., Limited 香港恒瑞領峰有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-26 private limited 2024-07-27T02:30:33
3432337 76864123 Tin Yun (Hong Kong) Trading Limited 天潤(香港)貿易有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:59:58
3432307 76863826 Jiaen Education Consulting Limited 佳恩教育諮詢有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:58:12
3432026 76861002 Ruifeng da Trading Co., Limited 瑞豐達貿易有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:57:42
3432268 76863436 Charenton Auto Limited Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:57:41
3432352 76864270 ArteMana Limited 奧元國際有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:56:44
3432064 76861395 Sino Prosperity Precious Metals Company Limited 香港華安泰昌貴金屬有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:55:51
3432019 76860933 SINGLE TRACK INVESTMENT GROUP (STIG) LIMITED Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T05:55:19
3432382 76864571 Smart City Union Technology Co., Limited 智城聯行科技有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-27T01:30:57
3432375 76864505 China Digital Financial Assets Limited 中國數字金融資產有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:07
3432376 76864513 Nine Point Nine Yi Limited 九點九億有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:06
3432360 76864351 X RightWay Limited 右路科技有限公司 Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:04
3432363 76864385 Lady Organic Limited Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:02
3432364 76864393 MEGAMAX TRADE LIMITED Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:02
3432346 76864212 STRUCTX INTERNATIONAL CO., LIMITED Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:01
3432347 76864220 TADA MOBILITY (HONG KONG) CO., LIMITED Live LOCAL_COMPANY 2024-07-25 private limited 2024-07-26T19:31:01

Number of rows in the full dataset: 3,448,465