


Hong Kong Jockey Club race data


All available race and horse statistics from the Hong Kong Jockey Club from the 1970s until today, updated in real time on raceday

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horse_id Race Date Race Number Race Index Horse Name Horse Name (Chinese) Horse Number Place Place (raw) Finish Time in seconds LBW (raw) Length Before Winner Draw Going Running Positions section1lbw section2lbw section3lbw section4lbw section5lbw section6lbw section1time section2time section3time section4time section5time section6time section1position section2position section3position section4position section5position section6position Gear Rating Distance Jockey Trainer Actual Weight Win Odds Declared Horse Weight Race Course Race Class Race Track Track Type Horse Colour Horse Sex Horse Country Horse Age Import Type Season Stakes Total Stakes No. of 1-2-3-Starts No. of starts in past 10 race meetings Current Stable Location (Arrival Date) Import Date Owner Current Rating Start of Season Rating Sire Dam Dam's Sire Last Rating 毛色 性別 出生地 進口類別 現在位置 (到達日期) 練馬師 馬主 url_racing horse_url horse_url_chinese
HK_2023_J357 2025-03-09 11 495 PATCH OF COSMO  錶之宇宙 10 1 1 93.75 1 1 11 GF 7 6 7 1 3-3/4 3-1/2 3.75 3.5 2 1 25.11 22.74 23.08 22.82 7 6 7 1 B 70 1600 M Chadwick K L Man 125 24 1242 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 3 PPG $3,713,900 $3,861,150 4-0-0-11 2 Hong Kong (25/01/2024) 2024-01-25 Simon Yeung Chun Kin 77 52 Super Seth Thee Savabeel 紐西蘭 自購新馬 楊俊建 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j357&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j357&option=1
HK_2023_J276 2025-03-09 11 495 EMBRACES  納百川 9 2 2 93.91 1 1 2 GF 6 7 8 2 3 3-1/2 3 3.5 3 1 24.99 22.86 23.24 22.82 6 7 8 2 TT 70 1600 H Bentley W K Mo 125 9.3 1066 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 PPG $2,725,400 $3,012,050 2-3-0-10 2 Hong Kong (19/09/2024) 2023-12-21 Thomas Chung Yat Fan & Joe Ho Pui Lung 72 53 Reliable Man Abbey Tralae Traditionally 紐西蘭 自購新馬 鍾一帆與何沛龍 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j276&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j276&option=1
HK_2024_K130 2025-03-09 11 495 LIGHT YEARS CHARM  光年魅力 4 3 3 94.02 1-3/4 1.75 6 GF 8 8 5 3 4 4 4 4 1.75 1.75 25.15 22.78 22.96 23.13 8 8 5 3 XB 75 1600 H Bowman D Eustace 130 2 1209 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 4 PP $3,167,950 $3,167,950 1-0-2-5 2 Hong Kong (19/08/2024) 2024-08-19 Zhao Guoming & Xiao Bing 75 64 Rubick Dancer's Rose Dehere 澳洲 自購馬 趙國明與肖冰 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k130&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k130&option=1
HK_2023_J321 2025-03-09 11 495 BRILLIANT EXPRESS  神馳 6 4 4 94.13 2-1/2 2.5 10 GF 4 4 3 4 1-1/2 1-3/4 1.5 1.75 1.25 2.5 24.75 22.82 23.24 23.32 4 4 3 4 -- 74 1600 A Badel J Size 129 5.1 1152 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 4 PPG $2,311,200 $2,732,400 2-3-1-9 2 Hong Kong (06/03/2025) 2024-01-08 Larry Yung Chi Kin 74 53 Starspangledbanner Fun In Flight Fusaichi Pegasus 澳洲 自購新馬 榮智健 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j321&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j321&option=1
HK_2024_K156 2025-03-09 11 495 LIVEANDLETLIVE  奔放 11 5 5 94.23 3 3 3 GF 1 1 1 5 1/2 3/4 0.5 0.75 0.75 3 24.51 22.78 23.32 23.62 1 1 1 5 TT 66 1600 Y L Chung A S Cruz 118 17 1138 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding IRE 4 PP $344,700 $344,700 0-0-1-4 2 Hong Kong (26/12/2024) 2024-09-07 Connie Siu Kim Ying 65 67 Muhaarar Bahjtee Pivotal 愛爾蘭 自購馬 蕭劍瑩 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k156&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k156&option=1
HK_2022_H383 2025-03-09 11 495 JOY OF SPRING  春風萬里 14 6 6 94.30 3-1/2 3.5 14 GF 14 13 12 6 8-3/4 7-1/4 8.75 7.25 4 3.5 25.91 22.54 22.80 23.05 14 13 12 6 TT 65 1600 E C W Wong C Fownes 113 19 1012 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 5 PPG $106,100 $2,598,200 2-3-3-13 2 Hong Kong (20/02/2025) 2023-03-20 Mr & Mrs Edward Hung and Doris Hung 65 65 Deep Field Certitude Not A Single Doubt 澳洲 自購新馬 洪希得先生及夫人與洪建盈 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h383&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h383&option=1
HK_2022_H461 2025-03-09 11 495 WINNING GOLD  金勝名駒 5 7 7 94.40 4 4 9 GF 12 12 14 7 6-3/4 6-1/2 6.75 6.5 4.25 4 25.59 22.74 22.96 23.11 12 12 14 7 TT 75 1600 D McDonogh W Y So 130 86 1059 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 4 PPG $2,194,800 $3,774,300 4-0-2-15 3 Hong Kong (26/06/2023) 2023-06-26 Winning Friends Syndicate 75 65 Brazen Beau Shimada Smart Missile 澳洲 自購新馬 勝利朋友團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h461&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h461&option=1
HK_2023_J446 2025-03-09 11 495 FORTUNATE SON  將義 13 8 8 94.54 5 5 7 GF 9 10 11 8 5 5-1/4 5 5.25 3.75 5 25.31 22.82 23.08 23.33 9 10 11 8 SR- 65 1600 L Hewitson D J Whyte 120 42 1083 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 PP $626,350 $698,100 0-1-1-9 2 Hong Kong (06/03/2025) 2024-03-21 Seven Heroes Syndicate 63 70 U S Navy Flag Pinstripe Pins 紐西蘭 自購馬 七俠五義團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j446&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j446&option=1
HK_2023_J418 2025-03-09 11 495 NEW FUTURE FOLKS  帥帥友福 7 9 9 94.55 5 5 5 GF 2 2 2 9 1/2 3/4 0.5 0.75 0.75 5 24.59 22.82 23.32 23.82 2 2 2 9 -- 72 1600 B Thompson C W Chang 127 36 1079 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 ISG $3,206,850 $3,452,550 2-2-1-9 2 Hong Kong (16/03/2024) 2024-03-16 So Wing Keung 72 54 Savabeel Kona New Approach 紐西蘭 國際拍賣會新馬 蘇永強 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j418&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j418&option=1
HK_2023_J197 2025-03-09 11 495 HUGE WAVE  大浪圖田 3 10 10 94.71 6 6 4 GF 3 5 6 10 1-1/4 2 1.25 2 1.75 6 24.71 22.90 23.28 23.82 3 5 6 10 TT 75 1600 R Kingscote K H Ting 130 28 1187 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 5 PP $1,616,800 $4,586,200 2-0-3-13 1 Hong Kong (19/10/2023) 2023-10-19 Lau Fu Wing 75 73 Vadamos Stanica Zabeel 紐西蘭 自購馬 劉富榮 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j197&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j197&option=1
HK_2023_J168 2025-03-09 11 495 SUNSTRIDER  金陽飛駒 12 11 11 94.73 6-1/4 6.25 8 GF 11 11 9 11 6-3/4 6-1/4 6.75 6.25 3.5 6.25 25.59 22.70 22.88 23.56 11 11 9 11 B 66 1600 B Avdulla D J Hall 121 34 1122 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 5 PP $1,013,950 $1,408,750 1-0-1-11 1 Hong Kong (06/03/2025) 2023-10-09 Stephen Suo Suo, Jackson Wang Dong Ying & Lam Kong 66 63 Highland Reel Lady Lightning Birdstone 澳洲 自購馬 索索、汪東穎與林剛 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j168&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j168&option=1
HK_2023_J278 2025-03-09 11 495 DRAGON JOY  皇仁歡星 8 12 12 95.20 9 9 13 GF 13 14 13 12 8-1/4 7-1/4 8.25 7.25 4 9 25.83 22.62 22.80 23.95 13 14 13 12 SR/TT 70 1600 K Teetan P F Yiu 125 11 1156 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 PPG $2,224,400 $2,318,000 2-1-1-10 2 Hong Kong (06/03/2025) 2023-12-21 QCOBA Racing Syndicate 70 51 Saxon Warrior Ashara Pins 紐西蘭 自購新馬 皇仁賽馬團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j278&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j278&option=1
HK_2023_J249 2025-03-09 11 495 TOP GUN  壯志凌雲 2 13 13 95.48 10-3/4 10.75 1 GF 5 3 4 13 1-3/4 1-1/2 1.75 1.5 1.25 10.75 24.79 22.74 23.28 24.67 5 3 4 13 CP-/V1 77 1600 J Orman F C Lor 132 53 1094 C 3 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 PP $577,800 $3,119,400 1-1-0-11 2 Hong Kong (14/08/2024) 2023-12-19 Li Xiting 75 79 Time Test Angel Child Anabaa 紐西蘭 自購馬 李西廷 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j249&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j249&option=1
HK_2024_K199 2025-03-09 11 495 GHORGAN  確好勁 1 14 14 95.54 11-1/4 11.25 12 GF 10 9 10 14 5-1/4 5 5.25 5 3.5 11.25 25.35 22.74 23.08 24.37 10 9 10 14 P1/TT1 80 1600 L Ferraris J Richards 135 49 1093 C 3 ST Turf Bay Colt GER 4 PP $0 $0 0-0-0-1 1 Hong Kong (03/02/2025) 2024-10-05 Irene Chen 80 80 Study Of Man Guavia Invincible Spirit 德國 自購馬 程李愛玲 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k199&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k199&option=1
HK_2024_K020 2025-03-09 10 494 BUNDLE AWARD  有目共賞 12 1 1 106.82 1-1/4 1.25 7 GF 11 11 11 12 1 4-3/4 4.75 5.5 5.5 5.25 1.25 14.91 23.03 23.45 23.32 22.11 11 11 11 12 1 E 75 1800 B Thompson J Size 115 6.2 1083 C 2 ST Turf Brown Gelding AUS 4 PP $4,574,450 $4,574,450 2-0-1-5 2 Hong Kong (05/11/2024) 2024-07-08 Mr & Mrs Colin Lo Chor Cheong 86 68 Shamus Award Ecosse West Quest 澳洲 自購馬 盧楚鏘先生及夫人 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k020&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k020&option=1
HK_2023_J420 2025-03-09 10 494 MARKWIN  但求開心 10 2 2 107.00 1-1/4 1.25 11 GF 12 12 12 9 2 5 5 6.75 5.75 4 1.25 14.95 23.19 23.29 23.08 22.49 12 12 12 9 2 H/TT 76 1800 H Bentley W K Mo 115 3.9 1204 C 2 ST Turf Bay Gelding AUS 4 ISG $4,417,650 $4,417,650 2-3-2-9 2 Hong Kong (06/03/2025) 2024-03-16 Happy Life Syndicate 81 52 I Am Invincible Mark Two Pins 澳洲 國際拍賣會新馬 快活人生團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j420&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j420&option=1
HK_2022_H215 2025-03-09 10 494 HELENE FEELING  喜蓮勇感 1 3 3 107.18 2-1/2 2.5 12 GF 10 6 5 5 3 4-1/4 4.25 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 14.83 22.79 23.29 23.36 22.91 10 6 5 5 3 B/TT 100 1800 L Ferraris C S Shum 135 27 1250 C 2 ST Turf Bay Gelding IRE 5 PP $4,642,950 $17,981,525 5-5-4-24 3 Hong Kong (20/02/2025) 2022-11-05 Helene Syndicate 100 94 Sioux Nation Cynthia Calhoun Exceed And Excel 愛爾蘭 自購馬 喜蓮團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h215&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2022_h215&option=1
HK_2024_K161 2025-03-09 10 494 LO RIDER  平凡騎士 13 4 4 107.21 2-1/2 2.5 4 GF 7 7 9 11 4 2-1/2 2.5 3.5 4.25 4.25 2.5 14.55 23.07 23.57 23.36 22.66 7 7 9 11 4 -- 75 1800 K Teetan C Fownes 115 5.4 1053 C 2 ST Turf Brown Gelding GB 4 PP $689,450 $689,450 0-1-0-5 3 Hong Kong (16/11/2024) 2024-09-07 24/25 Caspar Fownes Trainer Syndicate 78 74 Harzand Sharliyna Pivotal 英國 自購馬 24/25 方嘉柏練馬師賽馬團體 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k161&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2024_k161&option=1
HK_2023_J092 2025-03-09 10 494 SKY HEART  仁心星 11 5 5 107.26 2-3/4 2.75 6 GF 1 1 1 1 5 3/4 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.25 2.75 14.15 22.91 23.45 23.36 23.39 1 1 1 1 5 B/TT 76 1800 L Hewitson C Fownes 117 3.8 1218 C 2 ST Turf Bay Gelding NZ 4 PPG $1,810,700 $3,976,250 3-2-1-10 2 Hong Kong (12/12/2024) 2023-08-24 Kwan Yui Man 77 67 Ardrossan Luroel Per Incanto 紐西蘭 自購新馬 關睿文 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j092&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2023_j092&option=1
HK_2020_E461 2025-03-09 10 494 WINNING DRAGON  又龍串鳳 5 6 6 107.40 3-3/4 3.75 8 GF 2 2 3 4 6 3/4 0.75 0.75 1.5 2 3.75 14.27 22.91 23.57 23.44 23.21 2 2 3 4 6 TT 91 1800 H Bowman A S Cruz 126 10 1054 C 2 ST Turf Bay Gelding CHI 7 PP $4,182,800 $11,351,900 5-5-3-40 2 Hong Kong (18/02/2025) 2021-06-17 Alexander Yeung Kwok Kai, Edward Yeung, Kenny Cheng Tsin Ki & Michael Cheng Ka Kit 90 79 Ivan Denisovich Perdoname Stuka 智利 自購馬 香港 (17/06/2021) 告東尼 楊國佳、楊國樑、鄭俊基與鄭嘉傑 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/Racing/DisplaySectionalTime.aspx?RaceDate=09/03/2025&All=True https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/english/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e461&option=1 https://racing.hkjc.com/racing/information/chinese/horse/horse.aspx?horseid=hk_2020_e461&option=1

Showing first 20 rows of data

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Description
horse_id String
Race Date String
Race Number UInt64
Race Index String
Horse Name String
Horse Name (Chinese) String
Horse Number UInt8
Place Nullable(UInt8)
Place (raw) String
Finish Time in seconds Decimal(9, 2)
LBW (raw) String
Length Before Winner String
Draw String
Going String
Running Positions String
section1lbw String
section2lbw String
section3lbw String
section4lbw String
section5lbw String
section6lbw String
section1time String
section2time String
section3time String
section4time String
section5time String
section6time String
section1position String
section2position String
section3position String
section4position String
section5position String
section6position String
Gear String
Rating String
Distance String
Jockey String
Trainer String
Actual Weight String
Win Odds String
Declared Horse Weight String
Race Course String
Race Class String
Race Track String
Track Type String
Horse Colour String
Horse Sex String
Horse Country String
Horse Age String
Import Type String
Season Stakes String
Total Stakes String
No. of 1-2-3-Starts String
No. of starts in past 10 race meetings String
Current Stable Location (Arrival Date) String
Import Date Nullable(String)
Owner String
Current Rating String
Start of Season Rating String
Sire String
Dam String
Dam's Sire String
Last Rating Nullable(String)
毛色 String
性別 String
出生地 String
進口類別 String
現在位置 (到達日期) Nullable(String)
練馬師 Nullable(String)
馬主 String
url_racing String
horse_url String
horse_url_chinese String

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